Drugs Would Be Cheaper

Yet another fangirl raving. Pity the world for having yet another one of those.

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I'm following my tradition of letting CC spark my blog posts. (Yeah, it's kinda creepy, but it works for me.) For the record, I use blogger when I just wanna babble in peace, and I use LJ when I want to invite commentary and to 'memory' recipes.

blinks I think that's it.

No, wait, Tomoyo/Sakura/Kero! Guuuuuuuhhhhh. dies

Yes, I have a threesome kink too.

I'm sitting crosslegged in front of my computer with a cat on one leg and a bird on the other.

In any other house, this would be odd.

In other news, I wish to inform CC that other people's hang-ups in regards to her are not her fault and she should stop worrying about them. Life's to short.

Ya' know, I read CC's latest pitas and was rather pissed off. Not at CC at all, so CC you can stop your heart attack right now. What is pissing me off is that CC is absorbing the impression that something is wrong with her. There is nothing wrong with CC.

From my view in the cheap seats, CC's net persona is strong-willed and happy to discuss ideas to death. She is willing to defend her ideas with verve and passion, until of course, someone comes along and tells her she's bad person for that.

She's not a bad person, she's just passionate! THERE is nothing wrong with that. Not a goddamn thing at all.

That's my story, and I'm sticking too it, and I wish people would stop sticking it to CC.

Wow, been almost a month since I posted in here. Which is not to say, I've been silent, I've just been blabbing in lj land. Mostly because, I like the lj-cut command. Saves space, saves the weak from spoilers.

Anyway, I just felt the urge to say, I do not like Wilco's A.M.. Why? I don't like Jeff Tweedy's voice. I mean, I seriously don't like the man's voice. I like the instrumentals. I think I even like the lyrics. (I have a problem listening to lyrics. Tend to blank out on them. Unless I'm in a car. Then I listen to them. It's a quirk. Go with it.) I however profoundly dislike that man's voice. shudders Will be selling this album, I do believe.

Oh god, someone kill me now. I did something to my glasses that totally screwed up how they sit on my face and now my head is killing me. whimpers in pain I've given up and put my old pair of glasses, but the prescreption is different and the shape of the lenses is different and I don't think it's going to help my head at all. I'm giving up and going to throw myself to the mercy of the nearest vision center I can find to do something about my glasses.

Go me! For the first time in ages, I actually wrote something fiction related. All right, so it was mostly tinkering with Fortunetelling, but it was something. I'm still not totally happy with the ending, but I've managed to smooth out some of the narrative and expand a metaphor or two. So, it's all good.

It's alive! It's alive!

So, last weekend was exiciting. Went to a Connexxions for ooooooh, 5 hours? Semi-stalked Katya, talked to V from B for like 5 minutes, and had Mysti prove my point. I am also befuddled by the fact that I semi-regularly manage to end up eating food with LanningC and LindaM at this events. I see them at no other times. I don't talk to them on-line at all, but I somehow manage to eat with them. It is a puzzlement. For part 2 of my weekend, I went home and attended a funeral. Joy. Happiness. Bliss. Hung out w/my mom for the rest of the weekend to cheer her up. Was highly disappointed that the Penzey's store in Pittsburgh is closed on Sundays. Bastages.

Am now watching the MC 5 songvids and having a grand time. That is all.